Our service includes a comprehensive consult to help identify gaps and opportunities, a comprehensive report that includes a project plan with timelines and milestones, a cost analysis, and a schedule. We also offer a suite of quality products that will help you get there quickly and smoothly. That’s how we ensure your success.
Growth and change are two realities that no business can afford to ignore. Sustainable strategies that help your business innovate and grow while reducing costs and leveraging talent are just as essential as having the agility and creativity to respond to rapidly changing environments. By taking time to understand your business and the issues and challenges you are facing, our consulting teams use local and global knowledge to help you challenge conventions to deliver strategies that work specifically for you.
Our consulting firm is a top tier career and leadership development organization in Canada. Specializing in supporting Government of Canada executives and their employees, our team has successfully
delivered programs and workshops for numerous departments and agencies. Headquartered in Ottawa, and with offices across Canada, we provide an award-winning, fully bilingual, and customized approach to executive leadership development, team development, and career management through having worked with over 10,000 individuals and 2,350 employers — utilizing our expert team of 20+ coaches & facilitators. Our Leadership Intelligence Solutions are steadfastly focused on “Helping professionals to reach their full potential”. Since 2002, our coaching and customized leadership development program has generated concrete benefits for public and private sector organizations across Canada by improving the performance of executives, managers and their staff.
The professionals at ADIM Consulting provide the alternatives you seek and will achieve the most efficient results for your tax planning needs. Effective tax advice, innovative planning to reduce the tax burden you confront and enhancing your company’s financial performance is our focus. We keep you current on the latest changes impacting your business and we deliver tax solutions that are practical yet creative. As the advisor of choice for a growing number of privately run and public companies, clients recognize that our research, our case development, and our undeniable expertise makes for pervasive and refreshing solutions. Whether it’s to deal with the complex conditions surrounding a transaction, a restructuring, the impact of rapidly changing tax legislation, indirect tax compliance or simply the managing of federal and provincial corporate income and capital taxes, ADIM Consulting has the experience necessary to help you optimize your tax position.